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Perchè non ricevo più mail?

There could be a few reasons why you’re no longer receiving emails. It’s possible that the email address you’re using is no longer active, or that there’s an issue with the email server you’re trying to use. It’s also possible that your email account has been hacked, and the hackers have changed your email settings to forward your messages to another address. If you’re not receiving emails, the first thing you should do is check your account settings to make sure everything is correct. If your settings are fine, then you should contact your email provider to see if there’s a problem on their end. If you’re still not receiving emails after that, then it’s possible that your account has been hacked. In that case, you should change your password and enable two-factor authentication to help prevent future hacks.

Perché non mi arrivano più le email su Outlook?

Potrebbero esserci diversi motivi per cui non ricevi più le email su Outlook. Assicurati di controllare la tua casella di posta e di controllare eventuali filtri o regole che potresti aver impostato per il tuo account. Inoltre, controlla se ci sono problemi di connessione con il tuo provider di posta elettronica. Se non riesci ancora a risolvere il problema, dovresti contattare l’assistenza tecnica di Outlook per ulteriore supporto.